There's probably nothing more fun than turning Motorheads into Rotorheads.

BLADE partnered with Lexus for the launch of the new NX 350 at Hilton Shillim. The event which would otherwise see car enthusiasts, editors, and journalists enduring a 4-hour road journey to review the finesse of a car turned more exciting. The attendees to the event took a BLADE from Mumbai and Pune both, cutting their 4-hour journey into a short and sweet 30-minute flight.

After almost 5 transfers a day and 80 fliers, don't blame us if your next request comes with a helicopter transfer.

BLADE partners with brands that value comfort and convenience above all else; ideologies that Lexus shares with us. Great things happen when like-minded brands come together, or in this case, great launch events ;)

Cut your travel time as much as possible, we don't know why you'd prefer spending endless hours on the road commute when you have quick flights as an option. The traffic in India is only getting worse and accessibility is a concern that isn't going anywhere.

Perhaps it's time to rise above the mundane and to take a BLADE.

Check out the BLADE experience at the event

See you soon!