Questions about BLADE?

Help and FAQs

BLADE is happy to provide you with answers to some frequent queries that our fliers have. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact BLADE

For more detailed information about our Cancellation and Change policies, Weather and Delay Policies, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy can be found here.

How much luggage can I bring on my flight?
What is your weather policy? What if my flight can’t leave because of weather?
What is your Cancellation Policy? Once I’ve booked, can I Move to a different flight?
Do I need to bring an ID?
Do children need a booking?
Can I fly if I am pregnant?
Can my pet travel with me?
Where do flights depart and arrive? Where are the heliport located?
Why is my Charter still Pending, and not Confirmed yet?
What if I am late for my flight?
How long will it take to get to my destination?
Why does BLADE India need to know my weight? Is there a weight limit for passengers?
If I have an allergy can I still fly?
What is BLADE India? How does it work? Do I need a membership?
Does BLADE India operate as an air carrier? Does BLADE India own the aircraft I’m flying on?
Interested in a career with BLADE India?